Test your knowledge of the popular card game UNO with these 20 UNO Trivia questions. Each question has 4 option choices, so do your best to choose the correct answer!

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UNO Trivia Questions
Q1. How many cards are in a standard UNO deck?
a. 108
b. 76
c. 86
d. 96
Q2. What is the objective of the game UNO? a. To a. have the highest score
b. To get rid of all your cards first
c. To collect the most pairs
d. To force opponents to draw as many cards as possible
Q3. How many cards does each player receive at the beginning of the game? a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
Q4. What is the penalty for forgetting to say “uno” when you have only one card left?
a. Draw 2 cards
b. Draw 4 cards
c. Draw 6 cards
d. Skip your next turn
Q5. What is the value of a wild card?
a. 20
b. 50
c. 100
d. 50
Q6. What does the Skip card do?
a. The next player is skipped
b. The player who played the card gets to go again
c. The next player draws an extra card
d. The next player can play any card they want
Q7. Can you place a Draw 2 card on top of another Draw 2 card?
a. Yes
b. No
Q8. What is the maximum number of players that can play UNO at once?
a. 6
b. 8
c. 10
d. unlimited
Q9. What does a Reverse card do?
a. Changes the direction of play
b. Skips the next player
c. Forces the next player to draw cards
d. Allows the player to choose the color
Q10. Can you play a wild card on top of a Draw 4 card?
a. Yes
b. No
Q11. Can you play a Draw 2 card on top of a Draw 4 card?
a. Yes
b. No
Q12. What does the Draw 4 card do?
a. Forces the next player to draw 4 cards
b. Forces the next player to skip their turn
c. Allows the player to choose the color
d. None of the above
Q13. How many colors are there in a standard UNO deck?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
Q14. Can you play a Draw 2 card on top of a Skip card?
a. Yes
b. No
Q15. Can you play a Reverse card on top of a Draw 2 card?
a. Yes
b. No
Q16. What is the Card of Last Resort?
a. A special rule for when you run out of cards
b. A card that can be played no matter the color or number
c. A card that forces all players to trade hands
d. A wild card that can be played at any time
Q17. How many points is a Draw 4 card worth in scoring?
a. 25
b. 50
c. 75
d. 100
Q18. Can you play a Reverse card on top of a Skip card?
a. Yes
b. No
Q19. What is the value of a Draw 2 card?
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
Q20. What is the penalty for playing an illegal card?
a. Draw 4 cards
b. Draw 6 cards
c. Draw 8 cards
d. Skip your next turn
- a. 108
- b. To get rid of all your cards first
- c. 7
- b. Draw 4 cards
- d. 50
- a. The next player is skipped
- b. No
- d. unlimited
- a. Changes the direction of play
- b. No
- b. No
- a. Forces the next player to draw 4 cards
- c. 4
- b. No
- b. No
- b. A card that can be played no matter the color or number
- d. 100
- a. Yes
- b. 20
- d. Skip your next turn
Let’s conclude the post on UNO trivia and quiz questions with answers!
To increase more knowledge, I would recommend you to go through the UNO Facts and the Official UNO Rules.
I hope you found these questions much fun.