Rules of Jenga (The Definitive Guide to Play JENGA!)

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by Basana Saha

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If you would like to play the Jenga game and want to know the rules of Jenga, this is the right post.

Jenga game has several variations but the most common rule for the Classic Jenga game, which I would discuss here in detail.

You will find all you need to know about the rules.

Rules of Jenga

Let’s get started!

What is Jenga?

Jenga is a popular game that can be played by people of all ages. The game is made up of 54 wooden block pieces.

Originating in Africa, Jenga is a traditional game that has been around for centuries.

Jenga can be played by any number of players, but typically two to four people play.

Jenga Game

Jenga is a game that consists of stacking wooden blocks in a tower and then taking turns removing blocks one at a time.

The object of the game is to keep the tower from falling by removing blocks carefully.

However, if the tower falls, the player who caused it to fall loses the game. The Next player wins the game.

So, the Tower plays the main importance in the game. As the game progresses, the tower becomes wobbly and the fun begins.

It is much fun removing a block from the unstable structure of the Jenga Blocks.

A wrong turn including moving a wrong block than moving any other blocks can simply make your tower to tumble down.

Jenga can be played with 2-6 players.

Jenga History

Jenga History

Jenga is a game that many people know and love. It is a simple game, but it can be exciting and fun. Jenga is a game that can be played by anyone, regardless of age.

If we look into the history of Jenga, the Jenga was created in the early 1980s by Leslie Scott, a British woman.

The game became public at the London Toy Fair in Jan 1983.

The Original Jenga Game is a stacking game in which players remove blocks from a tower and replace them at the top of the tower.

Rules of Jenga

Rules of Jenga Game

Jenga is a game that involves stacking blocks in a tower and then taking turns removing blocks one at a time. It improves the hand-eye coordination of children and adults both.

The object of the game is to remove the block without causing the tower to fall. If the tower falls, the player who caused it to fall loses the game.

The game starts with placing the Jenga Blocks on a flat surface. Then stack the Jenga Tower using a loading tray and make it stable.

Make sure that the Jenga blocks placed in each layer are oriented in the same direction, with their long sides touching, and are positioned at a right angle to the next block layer.

There are a few basic rules of Jenga that players should follow two basic rules:

My Jenga Blocks

Jenga Rule #1. Remove a block from Jenga Tower

This is the basic initial move for the player to play the game Jenga. In the Classic Jenga game, the player moves a single block turn by turn.

You can move the blocks except for the three blocks on the topmost level of the tower.

Jenga Rule #2. Placing Removed Jenga Block to the Top

The Classic game of Jenga makes the turn of a single-player complete once a player removes a block and puts it on the top of the tower.

Game Ends

The game continues in turns till the tower starts to become unstable and finally, the tower collapses. The one to make the tower fall loses the game.

Printable Jenga Rules

Here is the printable Jenga Rule which you can download and print while playing Jenga.

Rules of Jenga Infographics
Rules of Jenga Infographics by kidscareideas

Do’s and Don’ts in Jenga as per Jenga Rules

Things you need to Do Playing Jenga

To play Jenga, you need a wooden block tower, a player or players, and a timer.

The player or players take turns removing one block from the tower and placing it on the top. The game is over when the tower falls.

The following are some tips on how to play Jenga:

  1. Using only one Hand at a Time
  2. You can tap a Jenga Block to find the loose one. Those are the easy blocks to remove.
  3. You can straighten the Jenga Tower with your hand.
  4. You can remove any block except the top-level block.
  5. You need to place the Jenga Block on the Top of the tower to complete your turn.

Things not Allowed while Playing Jenga

Here are the moves that are not allowed in the Jenga game. It is stated as below:

Here are the Jenga Moves that are not allowed:

  1. Players Use two hands together in Jenga,
  2. The player moving more than one Jenga block in one turn,
  3. Players taking a Jenga block from the top layer,
  4. Player lifting Entire Jenga Blocks to remove one Piece,
  5. The player stops the Jenga Tower from Falling.

Jenga Game variations

Jenga Game has several variations to it too. Jenga varies with its types like Giant Jenga, and Numbered Jenga, and similarly, the Rules of Jenga Game also vary in those games.

Playing Numbered Jenga With Dice Rules

Playing Numbered Jenga With Dice Rules

You can also play Numbered Jenga with a Dice using two dice, three dice, and even four dice.

There are several games based on addition, subtraction, and multiplication that can be played on the Numbered Jenga Blocks using Dice.

It happens turn by turn when a player rolls a die and sums up the digits to play the game.

The player removes a block based on the count of the dice and places the block on top.

It goes on a round-by-round till the next round where the initial tower block falls down and the game ends.

Playing Giant Jenga Rules

Giant Jenga Rules

The most common variant of the game is the giant Jenga (links). This game really is exactly what it’s called. Jenga games. The height is approximately 5 feet.

In regard to rules for giant Jenga, things are basically similar.

You must be vigilant about kids playing nearby as falling blocks can cause serious injuries.

Check this article if you would like to know whether Giant Jenga is dangerous.

Show the best way to play Jenga! You can also make your own Jenga variant.

Here are some Awesome Jenga sets available on Amazon:

Bestseller No. 1
Jenga Game | The Original Wood Block Game with Genuine Hardwood Blocks | Stacking Tower Game | Ages 6+ | 1 or More Players | Party Games for Kids | Family Games
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Bestseller No. 2
Hasbro Gaming Jenga Wooden Blocks Stacking Tumbling Tower Game | Party Games for Kids & Families | Easter Basket Stuffers | Ages 6+ (Amazon Exclusive)
  • BLOCK BALANCING GAME: Pull out a block, place it...
  • THE ORIGINAL WOOD BLOCK GAME: The Jenga game is...
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Bestseller No. 3
GOTHINK Tumble Tower Game for Kids and Adults, 54pcs Wooden Board Stacking Game for Family Game Night Classic Game, Standard Size
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FAQs of Jenga Rules

Q. What are the basic rules of Jenga?

The basic rules of Jenga are to take turns pulling out blocks from the tower and stacking them on top, making sure the block you pull out is not the one supporting the rest of the tower.
If the tower falls, the player who caused it to fall loses the game.

Q. Can you touch 2 blocks in Jenga?

In theory, you could touch two blocks in Jenga, but it’s not recommended. If you’re not careful, you could knock the tower over and lose the game.

Q. Can you take from the top 3 in Jenga?

You cannot take from the Top 3 in Jenga tower. As per the Jenga rules, you can only take a block from the layer below the completed layer.

Q. Can you touch more than one block at a time in Jenga?

Yes, you can touch more than one block at a time in Jenga. Jenga rules have no objection to touching more than one block at a time.
However, if you remove too many blocks at once, the tower will become unstable and may fall.


Let’s conclude the post on the Jenga rules you need to know to play the Jenga tower game.

Playing Jenga is a fun, easy way to spend time with friends and family.

t is a great game for all ages and can be enjoyed by people of all skill levels.

While there are some basic rules to follow, the game is flexible enough that players can make up their own rules as they go.

So, gather some friends, pull out the Jenga blocks, and get ready for some fun!

It is important to follow the rules of the game in order to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Finally, be sure to have plenty of space available so that the game can be played properly.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

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Analyzed By Basana Saha

Basana Saha has expertise working for more than 25 years as a beautician. She has expertise in choosing the right accessories and gears for your baby. Being a mom she knows the problems new moms face. She would like to help with Parenting to new moms with her expertise in raising a child. Learn More About Basana Saha.