Jenga is a classic block-stacking game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages.
Jenga has many official rules on what you can and can’t do, but that doesn’t stop people from creating new Jenga moves.
Many people use some Jenga Rules that do not comply with the Official game rules to get an unfair advantage in the game.
Jenga Game players should abide by the official Jenga rules.
Any use of moves that are not allowed in Jenga can lead you to lose the game and the opponent to win it.
So, to guide you about which of the Jenga Rules are correct and which rules are not allowed in Jenga, I am creating this in-depth guide.

Let’s get started!
What Moves are not allowed in Jenga?
There are specific rules that must be followed before you make a move in Jenga.
Here are the Jenga Moves that are not allowed:
- Players Using two hands together in Jenga,
- The player moving more than one Jenga block in one turn,
- Players taking a Jenga block from the top layer,
- Player lifting Entire Jenga Blocks to remove one Piece.
These moves mentioned above can give an advantage to the player over the opponent if the opponent is not aware that these moves are not allowed in Jenga.
1. Players Using two hands together in Jenga
In the game of Jenga, players are not allowed to use two hands together to move a Jenga block from one spot to another.
This is considered a not allowed move and can lead to the player being penalized or even disqualified from the game.
Using two hands together makes it much easier to move blocks around, and gives players an unfair advantage.
There have been some discussions about whether or not this rule should be changed, as some people feel that it is too restrictive.
However, the majority of players seem to be in favor of keeping the rule as it is, as it ensures that everyone is playing on a level playing field.
2. Player moving more than one Jenga block in one turn
Players are not allowed to move more than one block in a single turn.
This rule is in place to ensure that the game progresses at a reasonable pace and that players have an opportunity to remove blocks from the tower.
3. Players taking a Jenga block from the top layer
When playing the game Jenga, many people know that you’re not supposed to take a block from the top layer.
But some people still do it anyway, thinking that they’ll be able to get the block out without the tower falling.
This is a trick many uses to just pass the next turn to the opponent and use this as a dummy move.
However, this is a not allowed move and can quickly lead to giving an unfair advantage to the player over the opponent.
If both parties use this move, then the game would not move forward and keep moving as if it is a never-ending game.
4. Player lifting Entire Jenga Blocks to remove one Piece
One such move is lifting an entire block from the tower to remove a single piece.
This move can be used to remove difficult pieces or to prevent an opponent from being able to play.
What Are the Official Rules of Jenga?
Being among the top 20 tabletop games for families means many will enforce house rules to make it fun for them.
If you want to stick to the official rules, though, here’s what you need to know:
1. Players can take one block out from the 54 pieces in the tower except for the top-level block.
2. Players need to place the removed block on the top to complete their turn.
2. Players can use either hand, but only one at a time.
3. Players can only move a piece with the hand they used to move it in the first place.
Additionally, the game only ends when the tower falls.
It means players can move it around to get into a better position as they play the game.
These will relieve a lot of pressure and give everyone a winning chance at the game.
What Happens After Giving a Move that is Not allowed in Jenga?
Any Jenga moves that are not allowed will automatically disqualify a player.
The opponent wins the game, and a new match starts once again.
If multiple players are present in a session, the one who played a move that does not comply with official Jenga Rules looses and the other player wins.
What Rows in Jenga Can You Not Pull From?
The official rules state that players cannot pull from the top layer of the tower.
However, players can make it more challenging for them. For example, players can agree to avoid the top three layers to make the game challenging.
What matters is that everyone is clear with the established rules. All must agree, too. Otherwise, it’s best to settle for the default ruleset.
Are You Allowed to Straighten the Jenga Tower?
Yes, you can straighten the tower as long as you use only one hand.
Tap blocks to see what’s loose and fix them by pushing them back to their original position.
Doing so should stabilize the tower and allow you to move blocks without worry.
Can You Touch 2 Blocks in Jenga?
Players can touch as many blocks as they want in the Jenga game. However, they can’t do this if they’ve already moved a piece.
If they place the block in its original position again, they can touch other blocks again.
Can You Move Side Blocks to Center in Jenga?
As mentioned above, it’s okay to move blocks around to stabilize the tower.
You only need to stick to the established rules, like using one hand to move blocks around.
However, if other players are currently moving blocks as you adjust it, it’s not allowed.
It’s also not allowed in Jenga to move blocks placed on top by other players.
You can only do this if other players don’t place it in the correct orientation needed to build a layer.
What Happens if You Knock Two Blocks Out in Jenga?
It’s fine if you knock out two blocks accidentally during a game.
Players can agree to put both on the top layer and continue playing as normal.
It’s only among the list of Jenga moves that are not allowed. If a player uses a block to remove an additional block during their turn intentionally.
Can You Flick in Jenga?
The rules say nothing about flicking in Jenga. It states that the player must remove a block without causing the tower to fall.
So, you can flick blocks away in the game if it’s favorable to your situation.
Let’s conclude the post on Jenga Moves that is not allowed!
It is important to be aware of the Official Jenga moves that can be made when playing Jenga.
By knowing these moves, you can avoid them and keep the game going.
Be sure to have fun and remember, it’s not about winning or losing, it’s about having a good time!
I hope you enjoyed reading the post.