How many cards are in a UNO deck? (By Mattel)

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by Basana Saha

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UNO is a popular card game that is played with a deck of cards that are divided into four suits: Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue. Each suit contains cards numbered 0 through 9, as well as special action cards such as “Skip,” “Reverse,” “Draw Four”, “Draw Two” and more.

In this article, I will discuss the details of how many cards are in a UNO deck, as well as explore some variations on the standard deck.

How many cards are in a UNO deck

Let’s get started!

How many cards are in a UNO deck?

A standard UNO deck contains 112 cards, including four suits (red, yellow, green, blue) each with 19 cards (0-9 in each color, plus 8 each of “Skip,” “Reverse,” and “Draw Two”), four Wild cards and 4 Draw Four, 1 Shuffle Hand Card and 3 Wild Customizable cards. 

There are also various variations of UNO available, each with its own unique decks and card quantities. It is important to familiarize yourself with the number of cards in your UNO deck to fully understand the gameplay and strategy involved.

Uno instruction showing number of UNO cards
Image of Uno instruction showing the number of UNO cards
UNO CardsNumber of CardsNo of Cards Per Color Type
Number Cards(0-9)76 cardsRed 0-9 Card: 19 cards,
Green 0-9 Card: 19 cards,
Blue 0-9 Card: 19 cards,
Yellow 0-9 Card: 19 cards
Skip Cards8 cardsRed: 2 cards,
Green: 2 cards,
Blue: 2 cards,
Yellow: 2 cards
Reverse Cards8 cardsReverse Red: 2 cards,
Reverse Green: 2 cards,
Reverse Blue: 2 cards,
Reverse Yellow: 2 cards
Wild Draw 2 Cards8 cardsWild Draw 2 Red: 2 cards,
Wild Draw 2 Green: 2 cards,
Wild Draw 2 Blue: 2 cards,
Wild Draw 2 Yellow: 2 cards
Wild Draw 4 Cards4 cardsN.A
Wild Cards4 cardsN.A
Hand Swap Card1 cardN.A
Blank Wild Card3 cardsN.A

Total UNO Card Count: 112 cards

The Different Types of UNO Cards 

Type of CardNumber of CardsNumber of Cards Per ColorDescriptionNumber or SymbolColorSpecial Ability
Number Card76 cards19 cards each of Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue.These cards have a number and a color and are used to play on top of other cards with the same color or number.The number from 0 to 9Red, yellow, green, or blueNone
Skip Card8 cards2 cards each of Red, Yellow, Green and BlueThis card has a color and the word “Skip” on it, and is used to skip the next player’s turn.“Skip”Red, yellow, green, or blueSkip the next player’s turn
Reverse Card8 cards2 cards each of Red, Yellow, Green and BlueThis card has a color and the word “Reverse” on it, and is used to reverse the direction of play.“Reverse”Red, yellow, green, or blueReverse the direction of the play
Draw Two Card8 cards2 cards each of Red, Yellow, Green, and BlueThis card has a color and the words “Draw Two” on it, and is used to make the next player draw two cards from the draw pile and skip their turn.“Draw Two”Red, yellow, green, or blueMake the next player draw two cards and skip their turn
Wild Card4 cardsThis card is black and has the word “Wild” on it. It can be played on any card, and the player can choose the color to play for the next turn.“Wild”N.AChoose the color to play for the next turn
Wild Draw Four Card4 cardsThis card is black and has the words “Wild” and “Draw Four” on it. It can be played on any card, and the player can choose the color to play for the next turn. The next player must also draw four cards from the draw pile and skip their turn.“Wild Draw Four”N.AChoose the color to play for the next turn and make the next player draw four cards and skip their turn
Shuffle Hands1 cardThis card is a regular card with a hand symbol on it.“Shuffle Hands”N.AUsing this card, the cards in hand of the giver playing this would be swapped with the next player.

To know more in detail about the UNO Rules, you can check this post written by me.

Number Cards(By Numbers)

Now, talking about the Number Card count in detail here is the distribution:

Number Card 0:

There is 1 card of Number 0 in each of Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow.

Number 0 Card in UNO
Number 0 Card in UNO

So, there are a total of 4 cards of the Number 0 in the entire UNO deck.

Number Card 1:

There are 2 cards of Number 1 in each of Red. Blue, Green, and Yellow. 

All Number 1 Cards in UNO
All Number 1 Cards in UNO

So, a total of 8 cards are there for Number 1.

Number Card 2:

There are 2 cards of Number 2 in each of the Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow UNO sets. 

All Number 2 Cards in UNO
All Number 2 Cards in UNO

So, there are a total of 8 cards of Number 2 in the UNO deck.

Number Card 3: 

There are 2 cards of the Number 3 in each of the Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow UNO sets.

All UNO Number 3 Cards
All UNO Number 3 Cards

So, there are a total of 8 cards of Number 3 in the UNO deck.

Number Card 4:

There are 2 cards of the Number 4 in each of the Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow UNO sets.

So, there are a total of 8 cards of Number 4 in the UNO deck.

Number Card 5:

There are 2 cards of the Number 5 in each of the Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow UNO sets.

So, there are a total of 8 cards of Number 5 in the UNO deck.

Number Card 6:

There are 2 cards of the Number 6 in each of the Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow UNO sets.

So, there are a total of 8 cards of Number 6 in the UNO deck.

Number Card 7:

There are 2 cards of the Number 7 in each of the Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow UNO sets.

All UNO Number Card 7
All UNO Number Card 7

So, there are a total of 8 cards of Number 7 in the UNO deck.

Number Card 8:

There are 2 cards of the Number 8 in each of the Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow UNO sets.

All UNO Number 8 Cards
All UNO Number 8 Cards

So, there are a total of 8 cards of Number 8 in the UNO deck.

Number Card 9:

There are 2 cards of the Number 9 in each of the Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow UNO sets.

All UNO Number 9 Cards
All UNO Number 9 Cards

So, there are a total of 8 cards of Number 9 in the UNO deck.

UNO Number Cards(By Color Type)

Blue Number Cards

UNO Blue Number Cards
UNO Blue Number Cards

As you can see in the image, there is a total of 19 Blue number cards in the UNO deck.

Red Number Cards

UNO Red Number Cards
UNO Red Number Cards

As you can see in the image above, there is a total of 19 Red number cards in the UNO deck.

Yellow Number Cards

UNO Yellow Number Cards
UNO Yellow Number Cards

As per the image, there is a total of 19 Yellow number cards in the UNO deck.

Green Number Cards

UNO Green Number Cards
UNO Green Number Cards

As you can see in the image, there is a total of 19 Green number cards in the UNO deck.

Wild Draw 4 Cards

All UNO Draw 4 Cards
All UNO Draw 4 Cards

There is a total of 4 Wild Draw 4 Cards in a standard UNO Deck.

Wild Draw 2 Cards

All UNO Draw 2 Cards
All UNO Draw 2 Cards

There are a total of 8 UNO Draw 2 Cards in the deck.

Hand Shuffle Cards

UNO Hand Shuffle Cards
UNO Hand Shuffle Cards

There is only one Hand Shuffle Card in the entire UNO deck.

Wild Card

All UNO Wild Cards
All UNO Wild Cards

There are 4 Wild Cards in the UNO deck.

Skip Card

All UNO Skip Cards
All UNO Skip Cards

There are a total of 8 Skip cards in the Uno deck.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Uno cards are in a deck in 2023?

A standard Uno deck contains 112 cards as of 2023.

How many +4 are in a Uno deck?

A standard Uno deck contains four +4 cards.

How many red cards are in a Uno deck?

A standard Uno deck contains 19 red cards numbered from 0 to 9.

How many cards are in uno for each player?

In Uno, each player is dealt 7 cards at the beginning of the game.

How many Reverse Cards are in UNO?

A standard Uno deck contains 8 Reverse cards, 2 of each Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green color.


Let’s conclude the post on how many cards are in a UNO deck!

With these many cards, 2-10 players can play the UNO game. You can also read other UNO posts here.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post.

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Categories UNO

Analyzed By Basana Saha

Basana Saha has expertise working for more than 25 years as a beautician. She has expertise in choosing the right accessories and gears for your baby. Being a mom she knows the problems new moms face. She would like to help with Parenting to new moms with her expertise in raising a child. Learn More About Basana Saha.