As a new parent, you may have noticed that your baby is attached to a pacifier.
Now, you’re probably wondering, “Should I remove the pacifier when the baby is sleeping?”
It’s a good question, and the answer is not as simple as you might think.
It’s a very common question for the parent who has a baby who got used to using a pacifier throughout the day and even at night when it is sleeping.
It may seem as if your baby is not capable of calming down without it.
Some experts suggest that babies can indeed soothe themselves without the pacifier.
It is perfectly normal for babies to cry and seek out something to soothe themselves, whether it is a pacifier, a favorite blanket, or a toy.
But remember, there is no need to worry if your baby is not attached to a pacifier.
Babies need to learn how to comfort themselves, and they will learn how to do this as they grow.

Let’s get started!
Should I remove the pacifier when the baby is sleeping?
Medical studies have proven that a baby sleeping with a pacifier will reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Pacifiers have a great chance of shielding your baby from suffocation as they sleep.
So as a parent or a guardian, it is advisable to keep the pacifier on as the baby sleeps.
You can get rid of the pacifier between six months and two years.
Can a Baby Sleep with a Pacifier all Night?
Pacifiers soothe babies and help them to fall asleep.
A baby can sleep with a pacifier the whole night. It can come out of baby’s mouth as they sleep because once the baby sleeps, she will stop sucking the pacifier.
Some parents try to keep the pacifier in Baby’s mouth at all times by clipping the pacifier to Baby’s clothes or putting something on Baby’s face to keep the pacifier on.
This is not a good idea since it may lead to an accident.
Can a 4-day old baby use a pacifier?
A baby can start using a Pacifier from birth, and there would be no issue if a 4-day old baby uses a pacifier.
Can I give my 5 days old pacifier?
A 5-day old baby can use a pacifier, and there is no problem.
Here is what Medical Professionals say:
“Pacifiers are safe for your newborn. When you give them one depends on you and your baby. You might prefer to have them practically come out of the womb with a pacifier and do just fine. Or it may be better to wait a few weeks, if they’re having trouble latching onto your breast.”
Healthline, Here’s What You Need to Know About Popping in Pacifiers to Soothe Newborns
You can give your newborn a pacifier to use, but sleeping with a pacifier is not recommended, and you need to consult a Pediatrician.
How Long Can you Leave a Pacifier in a Baby’s Mouth?
A baby does not have to have a pacifier in its mouth at all times.
It is advisable to wean your baby off the pacifier for 6 months.
This will make it easy for you once the time to get rid of the pacifier comes.
How Do I Teach My Baby to Self Soothe Without a Pacifier?
Self-soothing allows babies to put themselves to sleep. Teach your baby to self-soothe to avoid dependency.
These are some of the ways that will help your baby self soothe:
Wait and Let Your Baby Self Soothe
Try not to pick up your infant immediately after they start crying. Give them time to see if they will self-soothe.
\If they continue crying, you can pick them up to see if they might be hungry or uneasy.
Some babies can self-soothe, while others can’t.
When you have a fussy baby, you want to do whatever you can to calm them down.
You may try to feed them and rock them to sleep, but some babies don’t want to self-soothe.
They want you to do it for them.
If your baby uses a pacifier to self-soothe, then it can be a difficult transition to make them stop using it.
Make a routine for your baby
Whether you’re a parent of an infant or toddler, it’s important to have a routine for your baby. It’s the main way that you can teach your baby to self-soothe.
A baby who has a routine learns to trust that it is normal to sleep at night and wake up in the morning.
This will help you out as a parent because you will no longer be on an irregular schedule of getting up to soothe your baby in the middle of the night.
The routine or schedule becomes the blueprint for how you teach your baby self-soothing skills.
An infant’s sleep is as varied as their eating habits. Some infants sleep through the night by 2 months old.
Some begin sleeping through the night at 5 months old. Others can’t sleep through the night until they are a year old or longer.
And some have trouble sleeping right through the night for their entire childhood. The key for all of them is to have a routine.
Put your Baby in a Crib when Drowsy
Put them in the crib when your baby is getting drowsy and is on the verge of falling asleep.
Please don’t put a pacifier in their mouth, rock them, pick them up, or stimulate them in any way.
Just put them in the crib. If they cry, leave the room. You’ll be amazed at how quickly they learn to self-soothe.
I taught my baby to self-soothe when he was two weeks old.
He was so used to the bottle that he would suck on his hands or roll over and sleep when I put him in the crib.
Avoid feeding your baby to sleep
It is always best to avoid feeding your baby to sleep.
This is because sleeping through the night is a developmental milestone that your baby will eventually reach on its own.
This is the time you will start to see your baby’s sleep patterns consolidate into a more mature pattern.
A good routine is to put your baby down at a regular time.
Then, spend five minutes playing with her.
This will help her learn to put herself to sleep and fall asleep more quickly.
Your baby will be able to put herself to sleep.
Give your Baby Favourite Blanket or Toy
If you have a newborn or infant, it’s a good idea to let them sleep with a plush blanket or their favorite toy.
This will help them sleep more peacefully and feel more secure.
While it is important for babies to feel secure and to have a sense of familiarity, it’s also important to sleep in a safe environment.
So if your baby is less than 8 months old, it’s a good idea to tie the toy or blanket to the crib.
This will prevent the child from choking on it or getting it stuck around their neck.
Cuddle your Baby
Your Baby needs a lot of cuddles and comfort to feel secure, but as they get older, they’ll start to need to self-soothe on their own.
That means they’ll start to sleep better and spend more time playing independently.
Let’s conclude the post on if you should remove the pacifier when the baby is sleeping!
Self-soothing is a major milestone for babies.
It means that your baby is developing a sense of independence, which is a very good thing.
Teaching your baby to self-soothe will set the foundation for her growing independence.
As parents, we need to be sure that we are helping our babies develop their sense of self to do things for themselves and learn how to be independent.
I hope you enjoyed reading the post.